Chief Growth Officer, International Speaker.
CHOHO’s mission is to help humans innovate and transform
just as fast as technology.
Transforming Leadership for a World in Flux
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Esma pioneers innovation, inclusion and impact across industries since 1991
as one of 0.2 % female founders of color in tech.
What colleagues, clients and strategic partners say:
‘I cannot tell you how profoundly impressive it was to watch her effortlessly juggle the needs of dignitaries, workshop participants, film crews and her team.’
‘Choho’s Mindset module is a broad basis for improved performance (…). Her customized 3.0 module supports continuation and next steps to fully achieve your goals.’
‘Relentlessly searching to find the middle ground because that’s where ‘society’s gold’ lies.
That is Esma Choho. A woman who always pushes the envelope, dares to take risks and speaks their mind, while still caring about compromise. In short: an exceptional human being.’
‘Esma Choho is driven by social impact in creating innovations that serve next generations.’
‘Esma is really great to work with. She is well educated and is never afraid to give her opinion. She is also very capable to create a lot of positivism with her womanpower and enthusiasm. Therefore I strongly recommend Esma Choho. She makes diversity fun and divers.’
‘Choho opened my eyes as editor-in-chief of NOS Nieuws.’
‘Esma is one of the leading voices for change in the Netherlands, both in public and behind the scenes. Over the years I have come to know Esma as a formidable force for the good: focussed, very smart, diligent and with great people skills.’
‘When I first met Esma, she was talking about miracles. Having worked with her on different occassions, I found out SHE is in fact a miracle. Patient, empathetic and blessed with sharp analytical skills, she is a “personal professional” that I would highly recommend as a coach, trainer and consultant.’
‘Choho engages with impact and takes the target audience to the next level of performance.’
‘I can recommend her as a high quality high energy catalyst; being it in terms of individual coaching as well as in corporate settings.’
‘Choho’s purpose and resilience are qualities I wish for every executive.’